Find out if your business is disability ready

ASE offers businesses an assessment of their workplace’s readiness to employ and accommodate employees with disabilities. The assessment report provides recommendations of how to get the business disability-ready and suggestions of positions in the business that might be ideal for persons with disabilities. 

Disability training and sensitisation

ASE offers customised training and sensitisation to businesses on disability in the workplace. Learn how to include and work alongside persons with disabilities in an integrated, sensitised workplace.  


Disability verification

Implementation of Supported Employment

Implementation of a full SE package transpires through six stages:

  1. Assessment of the work environment to identify suitable work positions for persons with disabilities
  2. Recruitment, selection and job matching of people with a disability into an available, appropriate position in the business
  3. Sensitisation and training of staff in working alongside persons with disability
  4. Job placement of persons with disabilities and implementation of work support structures
  5. Long term job coaching to support the employee with a disability
  6. Long term job coaching to support employers and staff

SA Employer Learnership programs for persons with disabilities

Altitude Supported Employment (ASE) assists employers with disability learnership processes by applying our disability expertise to ensure honourable practices that does not exploit, but promote fair and sustainable opportunity. We provide occupational therapy assessments to verify disability status and identify reasonable accommodations required in a learning and working environment during the process of recruitment and selection. Our disability support package offers sustainable solutions to ensure that learners with disabilities succeed.

ASE assesses employees with disabilities to provide verification of the presence of a disability according to the definition of disability in the Employment Equity Act of 1998.  


Disability Insurance Assessments & Return to Work Services 

We offer disability- and claims management and assessments for insurance companies, which include subsequent Return-to-Work services. The assessment process is a comprehensive functional assessment, which takes place in a work environment, home environment, and consultation with employers. The purpose of the assessment is to make recommendations on Return-to-Work capacity and/or alternative work options.

Employee Assistance Programs / Services

A service to enhance the productivity of workers who experience impairments or temporary incapacity. Businesses are supported through therapeutic, health enhancing services to promote the occupational potential of staff with- and without disability. Service sessions can include group work/team building with a life skills component, occupational counseling and occupational coaching.

Occupation- Based Services to Employees with disabilities & Impairments 

We offer occupational coaching to persons with disabilities and/or impairment who require a change in their current state of engaging the occupation of employment. Occupational coaching strategies can include: assistance in preparation to return to work and find work; assessment of work support needs that can be used to enhance a person’s work potential to be productive at work and to offer occupational coaching to help a person feel supported to keep their job and be satisfied in their work.

Seminars & Workshops

We offer education and training about disability employment equity concepts in the form of seminars and workshops to employers, managers, and human resource officers. Seminars and workshops can also be delivered upon request from a company. Topics include: employment equity legislation; codes of good practice; recruitment and selection of persons with disability in employment; creative solutions on how to identify work positions for persons with disability; the process of how to place and retain a worker with a disability.


Our company endeavors to contribute to the evidence-base on supported employment as a strategy to effect disability integration. As such, we are consistently collecting data and will from time to time embark on project-based research, that enhances the application of SE in the South African context. Our practice and orientation to partnerships with employers and employees are informed by research principles, in order to strengthen the evidence that we obtain about the SE strategy.


Tel +27 21 761 5321 / 6 | Fax +27 21 761 3711
Zerina 078 558 7094 |   Madri 083 504 4571

Physical Address
Block Z, Greenford Office Estate, Punters Way, Kenilworth, Cape Town, 7708

Postal Address

P.O. Box 18245, Wynberg, 7824